Written by:
11/24/2010 11:01 PM
In the rush to get this site launched (relatively) on time, I had to kill a few of my own babies as far as bug fixes and feature enhancements were concerned so I thought it’d be a good idea to list the coming site improvements:
Bug Fixes
Annoying but necessary.
- Alpha blending in IE browser and problems with semi-transparent backgrounds blending with text
- Fix slow loading/disappearing PNG images on page load (esp. in IE8)
New features & functionalities
Always a good learning opportunity and keeping one’s tools sharp and on point.
- Swap out the cheesy javascript alert on the home page for the scriptaculous lightbox.
- Build out project-specific child pages and link the Coming Soon banner house ads to these new pages rather than parent-level project pages.
- Allow user comments on blog entries – as this is a new site, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to wait to activate this feature.
- Add paging
- Reappropriate the vendor module to list associate members contact and bio details.
- User registration and login features
- Add News and announcements modules
- Add video player
- Add photo gallery
- SEO for best practices
- Analytics for traffic reports so I know how to modify this site to reflect viewer’s preferences.
- Implement customized search on site with auto suggest using Solr and Lucene – this one will be a real doozy as far as development time is concerned, as it will, essentially, be a new search engine app made from the ground up.
Thanks for listening,
- Danielle a.k.a. All Things Technical for P & Co.
P.S. If you have any technical questions or comments related to the development of this site, feel free to email me at or
P.P.S. If you wish to reach out to us on anything related to our organization, send my better half an email at